
What can we do for you?

We cover a wide variety of itinerary options – from escorted group travel to personalised, tailor-made safaris and adventures. We take pride in taking discerning travellers to remote wilderness areas and providing an authentic African safari experience. We provide our guests with a memorable experience. Our many local and international guests have displayed their confidence in our organisation’s ability to provide an authentic our specialised departments offer a diversity of tourist and travel services. All our departments work as a team to provide the best service to our customers, targeting friendship and long lasting relationships.

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
+263775 424 558


ASM Travel is a proud member of the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) and the Parks and Wildlife Management Authority


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Experience the adrenaline rush of travelling at a speed of 106 km, hurtling 425m across the gorge, while suspended 120m above the breathtaking beauty of the Zambezi water below!

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